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Marchamalo 1 - 0 Albacete II

05.11.2023 - 15:00

Stadium : Estadio La Solana


This section shows the statistics on how many times Marchamalo and Albacete II have both scored and conceded in the same match in the Tercera Group 18.

The “Both Teams to Score” stat is a good data point to use for seeing whether or not a match will feature many (or any) goals. If both teams have a high rate of both scoring and conceding goals, then there is a good chance that a couple of goals will go in. But if one or both teams have low BTTS rates, then their match could be a lower-scoring affair.

Check out the BTTS (both teams to score) stats for the match:

  • In 33 matches played in the Tercera Group 18, Marchamalo has scored and conceded goals in 8 matches. In other words, 24% of its matches have seen both teams score. Their BTTS percentage is 29% at home, while it is 19% away from home.
  • Meanwhile, Albacete II has scored and conceded in 18 of their 34 matches so far in the Tercera Group 18, giving them a BTTS rate of 53%. Both teams have scored in 10 of Albacete II’s 17 home matches, and it has happened 8 times in 17 matches as the away side.

It’s important to consider BTTS statistics when analysing teams as they provide insight into the teams’ overall approach and performance in matches. Teams with a high percentage of both teams scoring usually have more attacking approaches, whilst a lower rate of both teams scoring could point to a slightly more conservative gameplan for the most part.

And of course, this information should prove quite valuable when picking bets on the “Both Teams to Score” market and other goal-related markets