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Football statistics for Akron City

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1st Half

Performance in the 1st half: Akron City - 2024

It can be quite helpful to take a closer look at a team’s performance only in the first half of football games. Whether it’s the tactics of the coach or the comparison of their performance with other teams, they provide a glimpse into their overall play.

So if we only look at the first half of the match, we can see how Akron City has performed compared to other teams in the NPSL in terms of their initial tactics over the first 45 minutes.

Below are some deeper insights on how Akron City has played in the 1st half of their games in NPSL 2024:

  • Taking into account only the first 45 minutes of the matches played, in 1 games so far, Akron City has won 0 games in the first half, drew 0, and lost 0 matches.
  • As a result, Akron City is ranked 51st in the competition based on their performance in the first half of games.
  • And in terms of points per match, if we analyse just the first 45 minutes of all the matches played, Akron City would be averaging 0 points per match in this championship.

You can also check out Akron City’s first half statistics for both home and away matches in the NPSL 2024.