USA USL League One

2nd Half: USL League One 2024

League Info









2nd half results in the competition

The 2nd half is when the true action usually gets going. It shows whether the teams and coaches have made effective adjustments to their tactics, and reveals just how capable their offence and defence truly are.

We have all the 2nd half statistics in the USL League One that you need to find out which teams are the best and worst over the final 45 minutes of a match.

Here are some of the stats that show the teams that stand out, for good and bad, in the 2nd half of their matches:

  • The team that has the best results in the 2nd half of USL League One is South Georgia Tormenta FC. In 7 matches, they have a record 3 wins, 2 draws, and 2 losses in the second half.
  • Meanwhile, the club performing the worst in the 2nd half in USL League One is Central Valley Fuego. Considering only the 2nd half of all 6 matches, Central Valley Fuego has picked up 0 wins, 2 draws, and 4 losses.

You can take a look at more 2nd half stats by toggling the table to show each team’s home and away records in the final 45 minutes.

Now, here are some FAQs about the USL League One 2nd half results.

Where to find USL League One 2nd half table?

The USL League One table that only counts the 2nd half of matches can be found above. And you can also filter it into overall, home, or away matches.

What are the USL League One 2nd half results?

You can find the 2nd half results for all teams in the USL League One in the table above. South Georgia Tormenta FC currently leads the 1st half table with 7 wins, 2 draws, and 2 losses in 7 matches.