USA USL League One

1st Half: USL League One 2024

League Info









1st half results in USL League One 2024

Analysing the 1st half of matches can show how teams tend to perform at the start of their matches as they come out and try to execute their prepared gameplan. This section has all the records and stats for the 1st half in the USL League One, some of which are the following:

  • The team that has the best results in the 1st half in USL League One is Spokane Velocity. If we count only the first 45 minutes of their 6 matches to date, Spokane Velocity has won 3 matches, drawn 3 and lost 0.
  • And the team that performs the worst in the 1st half in USL League One is Northern Colorado. Looking at only the first half, they have: 0 wins, 1 draw and 3 losses in 4 matches played.

And if you want to dig even deeper into the 1st half stats, you can also apply the filter to see which teams do the best and the worst during the 1st half in home and away matches in the USL League One.

Now, here are some FAQs about the USL League One 1st half results.

Where to find USL League One 1st half table?

The USL League One table that only counts the 1st half of matches can be found above. And you can also filter it into overall, home, or away matches.

What are the USL League One 1st half results?

You can find the 1st half results for all teams in the USL League One in the table above. Spokane Velocity currently leads the 1st half table with 6 wins, 3 draws, and 0 losses in 6 matches.