South America Copa Libertadores U20

Cards: Copa Libertadores U20 2024

League Info


South America







Averages and card numbers in Copa Libertadores U20 2024

This is the place where you can track the card statistics of all the teams taking part in the Copa Libertadores U20. Aside from finding out how many yellow and red cards a team is usually handed out in a match, you can also see how many cards a club’s opponents usually receive over the course of their contests.

These are the current card statistics in Copa Libertadores U20:

  • The average number of cards shown by the referee in Copa Libertadores U20 is 4.41 cards per match.
  • Águilas Doradas U20 is the team with the most cards shown in their matches, for both them and their opponents. Their matches have 6 or more cards 100% of the time.

And aside from the overall card stats, you can also toggle the table to see what percentage of a team’s matches a team or their opponent receives over 1.5, 2.5, or 3.5 cards. This way, it is easier to find which teams are truly the most ill-disciplined when it comes to bookings.

Now, here are some FAQs about the Copa Libertadores U20 cards.

Who has the most cards in Copa Libertadores U20?

Rosario Central U20 leads the cards table with over 1.5 bookings in 80% of their matches in Copa Libertadores U20. Rosario Central U20 has the most matches of over 2.5 cards with 80%, and Defensor Sporting U20 tops the over 3.5 cards table with 100% of matches.

What are the Copa Libertadores U20 card stats?

You can see in the table above the percentage of matches for each team that reaches over 3.5, 4.5, and 5.5 total cards. You can also check the percentage of matches with 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 cards for and against each team. For instance, Águilas Doradas U20 leads the cards stats table as matches involving them have over 5.5 cards 100% of the time.