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Football statistics for Crusaders / Strikers

Team Info




Northern Ireland

Crusaders / Strikers’s standings in the competition

Crusaders / Strikers currently ranks 2nd in the Premiership Women among all 9 clubs competing in the championship - regardless of the stages of the tournament.

In 0 matches played thus far, Crusaders / Strikers has a record of 0 wins, 0 draws, and 0 defeats, and an average of 0 points per match.

These statistics are crucial in accurately measuring their overall performance during the championship. They can help give a better idea of whether the team is a true title contender or if they are not quite capable of competing with the very top teams for the championship.

Meanwhile, here is more information about Crusaders / Strikers’s ongoing campaign in the Premiership Women:

  • Next game: Crusaders / Strikers plays against Glentoran BU, on 05/05/2024, at 03:00 pm. The game will be held at Blanchflower Stadium.