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Football statistics for Baía de Pemba

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Performance in the 2nd half: Baía de Pemba - 2024

The second half of football matches is crucial; it is when most matches are ultimately decided. That is why analysing a team’s performance exclusively in the second half of the match can be useful for evaluating different factors like tactical adaptation, players’ physical conditioning, the effectiveness of a coach’s substitutions or tactical changes, and the team’s overall mentality.

If we take only the second half statistics of Baía de Pemba’s games in Mocambola 2024 into account, we can see that:

  • In 6 games played so far, Baía de Pemba has claimed victory in 0, drawn 0 and lost 1.
  • And in terms of points per match for the final 45 minutes, Baía de Pemba is averaging 0.
  • If only the second halves of games counted, Baía de Pemba would have the 12th best campaign in Mocambola this season.

Studying statistics exclusively from the second half can help determine if a team can capably perform during what is often the pressure-filled portion of the match, or if they consistently falter under the pressure

So visit this page all season long if you’d like to see the Baía de Pemba second half numbers in home games, away games, and overall, during the Mocambola 2024.