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SM Sanga Balende TP Mazembe

07.01.2024 - 13:30

Stadium : Stade du TP Mazembe (Lubumbashi)

Match Scoring / Conceding First

This page keeps track of the number of matches a team has scored or conceded the first goal in a match. This helps give you a better idea of what to expect from SM Sanga Balende and TP Mazembe in terms of their tendencies from both an attacking and defensive perspective.

SM Sanga Balende has come out and scored the first goal in 29% of the matches they have played so far in the Super League. And on the other side, they have conceded the first goal in 53% of matches.

Meanwhile, TP Mazembe comes into this contest having scored a goal before their opponent in 73% of matches in this campaign. And in terms of giving up the first goal, they have done so in 14% of matches.

This information helps to provide a deeper insight into the two teams’ play in the competition. A higher rate of scoring the first goal indicates a more aggressive side that imposes its will onto its opponents. Similarly, a high rate of conceding the first goal points to a side whose defence struggles to keep things tight at the back.

It should prove useful to study these teams’ tendencies of scoring or conceding first, as well as whether these tendencies change when they play at home or away in Super League.