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1860 München 6 - 3 Borussia Dortmund II

14.05.2022 - 11:30

Stadium : Städtisches Stadion an der Grünwalder Straße (München)



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At the moment, 1860 München is in 0th in the 3. Liga. In 0 matches, 1860 München has 0 wins, 0 draws, and 0 losses.

The club has picked up 0 points (adding up all matches, including knockout matches). So based on points per match, they have picked up 0 points per match to date in the tournament.

  • Goals scored: 0
  • Goals conceded: 0
  • Goal difference: 0

Here are more stats from 1860 München’s campaign at home in the 3. Liga below:

  • 0 matches
  • 0 wins
  • 0 draws
  • 0 defeats

If we only look at 1860 München’s away matches, this is their current record:

  • 0 matches
  • 0 wins
  • 0 draws
  • 0 defeats

As for Borussia Dortmund II’s campaign, they sit in 0th in the competition table and this is the current state of their 3. Liga campaign:

  • Matches: 0
  • Wins: 0
  • Draws: 0
  • Losses: 0
  • Goals scored: 0
  • Goals conceded: 0
  • Goal difference: 0

As a result, Borussia Dortmund II has, in terms of the overall campaign, the 0th position on the leaderboard. When Borussia Dortmund II plays as home team, the situation is as follows: 0 games, 0 wins, 0 draws and 0 losses.

Now, when playing away from home, Borussia Dortmund II adds:

  • 0 matches
  • 0 wins
  • 0 draws
  • 0 defeats

The competition table helps provide an overview of the teams’ performance during the current campaign and helps identify patterns, trends, and statistics relevant to analysing 1860 München vs Borussia Dortmund II.

With this data, you can check each club’s goal production, their position in the table, their goal difference, and other factors that can be useful for predicting the outcome of the match.