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Football statistics for Volta Redonda U20

Team Info





Volta Redonda U20’s standings in the competition

Volta Redonda U20 currently ranks 12th in the Carioca U20 among all 12 clubs competing in the championship - regardless of the stages of the tournament.

In 0 matches played thus far, Volta Redonda U20 has a record of 0 wins, 0 draws, and 0 defeats, and an average of 0 points per match.

These statistics are crucial in accurately measuring their overall performance during the championship. They can help give a better idea of whether the team is a true title contender or if they are not quite capable of competing with the very top teams for the championship.

Meanwhile, here is more information about Volta Redonda U20’s ongoing campaign in the Carioca U20:

  • Next game: Volta Redonda U20 plays against Portuguesa RJ U20, on 08/06/2024, at 06:00 pm. The game will be held at .