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Football statistics for Indios Denver

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Over Under Goals

Average goals scored and conceded: Indios Denver

Knowing Indios Denver’s averages in terms of goals scored and conceded is instrumental in understanding how the team is performing in the WPSL 2024 on both ends of the pitch.

Check out some of the Indios Denver’s over/under numbers and goal rates below:

  • 0% of Indios Denver games in the league have had 3 or more goals (Indios Denver and opponent goals, combined). The percentage of games where matches have had 2 or fewer goals is 100%.

This page can filter the number of goals, from above or below 0.5 goals to 5.5 goals. You can also sort them in ascending and descending order based on the number of times it has occurred, as well as their frequency at home, away from home, and overall in WPSL.

All of this information can help determine how Indios Denver’s offence and defence are performing throughout the season. If the goal rate during matches is high, it is important to determine the cause of such a lot of goals going in.

However, it is important to remember that goal percentage statistics cannot be analysed in isolation. Instead, they should be considered alongside several other factors, such as tactics, personnel moves, and others.