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Football statistics for Bečej

Team Info






Gradski stadion kraj Tise



Per Match


Goal Scored

Per Match


Goals Conceded

Per Match



Per Match


Corners For

Per Match


Corners Against

Per Match


Cards / Match

Per Match


Cards For

Per Match


Cards Against

Per Match


Bečej: key details about the team in 2018/19

This is your one-stop shop for finding all the important facts and figures about Bečej in the 2018/19 season. From recent results and upcoming matches to squad members and team statistics, you and other APWin users can have all the information needed to get a more complete and accurate picture of a team's current state.

You can check out crucial data such as recent form, trends, home and away records, goals scored, and goals conceded, which are all quickly and regularly updated, along with other useful facts about Bečej.

Read on for all the important Bečej information for Prva Liga 2018/19 to date.

Basic information about Bečej

Below are the main Bečej statistics from the Prva Liga 2018/19 season to date.

Information about Bečej

Below is relevant information about Bečej.

  • 🏟️ Stadium: Gradski stadion kraj Tise
  • 📍 City and country: Bečej - Serbia
  • 📊 Average ranking in the Prva Liga: 6th competition

Bečej squad in 2018/19

Bečej's current squad includes the following players arranged by position:

Get to know more about the Bečej players in an instant. Click on the players’ names to check out more of their personal information as well as statistics from different competitions.

Bečej's latest matches

Bečej's last match in Prva Liga was against Trajal Krusevac, which was played on 05/05/2019. The result of the match was Trajal Krusevac 1 vs 0 Bečej

You can look up the complete list of Bečej results throughout the season. Meanwhile, you can also select any match to view a detailed match summary.

Bečej's upcoming matches

Bečej will be taking on Trajal Krusevac in the Prva Liga on 05/05/2019. See more information about the upcoming Trajal Krusevac vs Bečej match here.

Find all the statistics you need to preview that upcoming Bečej match here. From recent form and trends to average goals scored and conceded, head-to-head history, and so much more, you'll have plenty of numbers to help you prepare for the match.

How to watch Bečej live

Don’t settle for watching only Bečej highlights, since there are a host of different options for watching Bečej matches live online. Users can conveniently check out match times, locations, and other broadcast details, along with directions for how to watch the match live.

Just visit our Live Stream page to learn where to watch Bečej match online.

Predictions for Bečej matches

You can also view predictions for upcoming matches from football championships and competitions across the globe. That includes the Bečej prediction for their next match, which is made by top betting experts.

These predictions are primarily data-driven and include the odds of those matches as set by bookmakers.

Take a look at all of today's predictions and see what the probabilities are for your preferred matches, as well as the prediction for Bečej’s next match.

Bečej performance in Prva Liga 2024

In their 37 matches in Prva Liga 2024, Bečej has compiled the following record:

  • 12 wins
  • 8 draws
  • 17 defeats

So, Bečej is currently averaging 1.19 points per match in the championship (counting all phases of the tournament). And based on the results in all stages of the competition (whether knockout or not), Bečej has a ranking of 6th in Prva Liga.

For a more detailed look at the Prva Liga table and where Bečej stands compared to others in a number of different stats, check out the ‘Standings’ tab.

Bečej statistics in the championship

To get a better idea of how Bečej has been playing thus far in the Prva Liga, here is a quick summary of their goals scored, goals conceded, and goal averages in the championship.

  • 39 goals scored
  • Average 1.05 goals scored per match
  • 44 goals conceded
  • Average 1.19 goals conceded per match
  • Scored a goal before the opponent in 0% of matches
  • Kept a clean sheet in 11 of 37 matches played
  • Scored and conceded goals in the same game on 17 occasions
  • Bečej has the 9th best attack in the championship
  • Bečej has the 11th and the best defence in Prva Liga
  • The average expected goals of Bečej in Prva Liga is 0
  • The average expected goals against for this team is 0
  • The club's win rate in this championship is 32%
  • 16% of Bečej had 3 goals or more

Frequently asked questions about Bečej - FAQ

Here are some of the most popular questions people are asking about Bečej.

What is the Bečej stadium?

Gradski stadion kraj Tise is the home of Bečej.

Where is Bečej from?

Bečej is a city team from Bečej - Serbia

What competitions do Bečej play in?

This season, Bečej is competing in Prva Liga.

How many goals did Bečej score in 2018/19?

To date 30/04/2024, Bečej has scored 0 goals in the 2018/19

How many goals did Bečej concede in 2018/19?

Until 30/04/2024, Bečej had given up 0 goals in the season