Thục Kha Võ Doãn headshot

Statistics Details for Thục Kha Võ Doãn

Player Information




31 May 1991





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Binh Dinh


Sun, 22 September 2024 - 07:00

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V.League 1
Ho Chi Minh City Team Logo

Ho Chi Minh City

0Goal Scored0
1Goals Conceded 0
0%% Over 2.50%
0%% BTTS 0%
0.73xGA 0.17

2022 Stats

Competition MPGoalConcededCleansheetPlayed YC+RCCleansheets Per 90'Conceded Per 90'Cards Per 90'
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V.League 1

Binh Dinh Logo
00000 00%00
Total 0000000%00

Thục Doãn - Stats & Information

Born in 31/05/1991, Thục Doãn is 31 years old and plays as goalkeeper in Binh Dinh. The goalkeeper player is 175 cm tall and weighs 72 kilos. Here you can find information regarding the goalkeeper Thục Doãn - Binh Dinh, such as matches played, goals conceded, clean sheets, cards and other important information from all the competitions the player takes part in.

It is also possible to know detailed performance data such as minutes played in each competition, matches without conceding a goal, matches played in the home team, and others. You can also find information about previous seasons and teams, finding all the information as a professional athlete.

See here some of the important informations about Thục Doãn this competition - overall and when we add all the competitions.

Overall numbers of Thục Doãn playing for Binh Dinh in 2022

Adding all the competitions in which Thục Doãn plays in 2022, the goalkeeper has played a total of 0 minutes, of which 0 minutes were played at home and 0 minutes were played as the visiting team.

Another important data point from Thục Doãn this season is that the goalkeeper has conceded 0 goals in 0 matches played, averaging 0 goals conceded per match.

An important datapoint in goalkeepers is matches without conceding a goal. In this field, Thục Doãn, in 0 matches played, has managed to keep a clean sheet in 0 matches. This means that the goalkeeper has kept a clean sheet in 0% of matches.

Competitions disputed

The player plays currently in the following competitions

The last match was in 19/11/2022, against Ho Chi Minh City, for the V.League 1. The match ended up Binh Dinh (2) vs (1) Ho Chi Minh City.

FAQ - About the player

See below the main questions related to the player.

How old is Thục Doãn?

Thục Doãn is 31 years old. The player is born in 31/05/1991.

What is Thục Doãn’s current team?

Thục Doãn currently plays for Binh Dinh.

How many goals has Thục Doãn conceded in 2022?

In the season 2022, Thục Doãn has conceded 0 goals, when we add all competitions played in.

How many cards did Thục Doãn get in 2022?

In 2022, Thục Doãn has received a total of 0 yellow and red cards - in all the competitions played in.

How many matches has Thục Doãn played in 2022?

In 2022, Thục Doãn has played 0 matches.

How many matches Thục Doãn has in the whole career?

The goalkeeper Thục Doãn has played a total of 0 matches matches as a professional athlete.

For what teams has Thục Doãn played for?

Throughout the career, Thục Doãn has played for Binh Dinh.