England FA Women's Super League

Goals: FA Women's Super League 2023/24

League Info










Goal Summary in FA Women's Super League 2023/24

Goal statistics in the FA Women's Super League 2023/24 campaign give a good view of teams' offences and defences during the competition.

The goal totals and averages show whether a team has been performing better, worse, or on par with their competitors on both ends of the pitch in this campaign.

These are some of the notable FA Women's Super League 2023/24 goal statistics:

Aside from getting the total and average goals scored and conceded by each team overall in FA Women's Super League, you can also filter their stats for home and away matches.

Now, here are some FAQs about FA Women's Super League goals.

Who has scored the most goals in the FA Women's Super League this season?

Chelsea Women is currently the highest goal-scoring team in the FA Women's Super League, with 64 goals in 20 matches.

Which teams are the FA Women's Super League top scorers this season?

The top scoring teams in the FA Women's Super League this season are currently Chelsea Women with 64 goals, Manchester City Women with 59 goals, and Arsenal Women with 48 goals.