XV de Jau 2 - 1 Mauaense
XV de Jau logo
8 out of 10

22.07.2023 - 18:00

Stadium : Estádio Municipal Zezinho Magalhães


Mauaense logo
6 out of 10
Predictions for XV de Jau vs Mauaense
XV de Jau vs Mauaense Betting Tips: 22/07/2023 - Matchday 6 - Brazil Paulista Segunda Divisão

XV de Jau vs Mauaense Betting Tips: 22/07/2023 - Matchday 6 - Brazil Paulista Segunda Divisão

Looking for predictions for XV de Jau vs Mauaense? You don’t need to look any further, as our team of specialists has prepared the betting tips for this match that is taking place on the 22nd of July at 18:00 for Brazil Paulista Segunda Divisão. Continue reading if you want to know about our team’s opinion on which team will be victorious in the match of XV de Jau vs Mauaense.

🔥 XV de Jau has won its last 4 matches

🔥 XV de Jau hasn’t lost in its last 7 matches

🔥 XV de Jau hasn’t lost any of its past 3 matches against Mauaense

🔥 XV de Jau and Mauaense average 2.44 goals scored per match


XV de Jau logo

XV de Jau

Mauaense logo


1.93Goal Scored1.13
0.53Goals Conceded1.27
47%% Over 2.540%
33%% BTTS60%
XV de Jau logo

XV de Jau

Mauaense logo


1.86Goal Scored1
0.43Goals Conceded1.71
47%% Over 2.540%
14%% BTTS57%

XV de Jau - Previous Results

Mauaense - Previous Results


Goal Scored

With 29 goals scored in the 15 matches it played, XV de Jau is the 3rd best attack in the Paulista Segunda Divisão this season, with the team averaging 1.93 goals scored per match so far.

Mauaense found the opposing team’s net 17 times in its 15 matches played in this season’s. This means that the team averages 1.13 goals per match, making it the 21th best attack in the Paulista Segunda Divisão.

Goals Conceded

Opponents managed to hit the back of the net of XV de Jau’s goal 8 times this season from the 15 matches the team has played. This means that the team hosting XV de Jau is the 5th best defence in the Paulista Segunda Divisão with 0.53 goals conceded per match.

Mauaense is the 21th best defence in the Paulista Segunda Divisão. In its 15 matches in the competition, the team has conceded a goal 19 times, equating to 1.27 goals conceded per match.

% Over 2.5

The Brazil Paulista Segunda Divisão averages 40% of matches with Over 2.5 goals. On the one hand, XV de Jau has managed to score 3 or more match goals in 47% of its matches this season.

On the other hand, Mauaense has had 3 or more goals in 40% of matches played so far in this season’s Paulista Segunda Divisão. Do you think there is an opportunity for a bet in the Over 2.5 goals market?

Both Teams to Score (BTTS)

BTTS means Both Teams to Score. This means that both teams must score a goal to win the bet. If you placed a bet on BTTS on XV de Jau, the success rate for your bet should be 33% so far.

Mauaense has scored and conceded in the same match in 60% of the times it played during this season’s Brazil Paulista Segunda Divisão.

Expected Goals (xG)

The Expected Goals (xG) tell us more than the goals scored by a team. They tell us about the chances created by each team, which can sometimes be given more weight than the goals scored. XV de Jau, for example, has 1.78 expected goals per match, compared to its 1.93 goals scored.

Mauaense, on the flipside, has 1.41 xG per match. So from the shots it takes, we expect that the team scores an average of 1.13 goals per match.

Expected Goals Against (xGA)

Regarding xGA, XV de Jau has 1.7 per match. This means the team is expected to concede 0.53 goals on average every time it plays in the Paulista Segunda Divisão.

Expected Goals Against are a good measure of a team's defence quality and processes. The lower the number, the better the defensive routines of a team. For example, Mauaense averages 1.76 xGA per match in the 15 times it has played in the competition.


Our team of analysts has looked at all the relevant data, in and out of the pitch, and we have prepared the prediction for XV de Jau vs Mauaense for Matchday 6 of the Brazil Paulista Segunda Divisão.

As always, we were very careful in our analysis, and will only recommend what we also bet on. You will not find any betting tip for XV de Jau vs Mauaense that we do not believe in.

As such, and looking at all of the statistics for the match, we think that this is the best bet for the match we have analysed.